Cocoa Post
Voice of Cocoa

Kelik Potassium A New Cocoa Fertilizer To Boost Bean Weight And Volume Launched

A new cocoa foliar fertilizer, Kelik Potassium has been launched to help farmers in the cocoa sector to increase the weight, volume and quality of cocoa beans for export in Ghana.

The product, Kelik Potassium has a high source of Potassium which are essential nutrients to increase the bean weight, quality and quantity of harvest.

The product was launched recently in Kumasi by an agro-input company, Agromonti Co Ltd., in collaboration with Cocoa Input Company Ltd and executive members of Ghana Cocoa Coffee and Sheanut Farmers Association (GCCSFA).

Managing Director of Agromonti Co. Ltd, Dr Alvin Amoah, said that cocoa farmers’ income is based on the weight and volume of harvest and Kelik will help to increase the volume of main crop cocoa beans to export by Ghana Cocoa Board. He also said Kelik Potassium is equally very good for the establishment of cocoa seedlings

According to Dr Amoah, the challenge of increasing weight and volume of cocoa beans is of much concern to farmers, Cocobod and other stakeholders.

He said it was as a result that Kelik Potassium was developed and submitted to Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana, CRIG for testing and evaluation.

After years of rigorous testing, Kelik was found to increase the yields, weight and volume of cocoa beans, thereby increasing farmers’ income and Main Crop beans for export.


The national president of GCCSFA, Alhaji Alhassan Bukari, commended Agromonti for introducing such a good product like Kelik Potassium to help improve cocoa bean weight in Ghana. He mentioned that the cocoa industry is saddled with the problem of low bean weight and productivity.

Kelik Potassium

He, therefore, encouraged all cocoa farmer to patronize such an outstanding product in order to enhance their income levels.

Also at the launching was Emmanuel Armah, the Deputy Managing Director of Ghana Cocoa Input Company Ltd., an institution under the supervision of Ghana Cocobod.

He explained that they are only mandated to sell products certified by Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG).

In view of that, they have done the necessary checks and found that Kelik Potassium is approved and certified by CRIG.

He further mentioned that they were even surprised to know that the results of Kelik Potassium outperformed CRIG’S reference fertilizer by 52.8% increase in weight of dried cocoa beans.

The programme ended successfully with the Chairman, Alhaji Bukari and the entire representatives recommending Kelik Potassium to all cocoa farmers in Ghana.

They were very excited about the product considering the processes the product have gone through before being presented to the market.

In addition, they foresee Kelik as a product that will help alleviate poverty from cocoa farmers.

Source BFT
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