Cocoa Post
Voice of Cocoa

Statistical Data on Cocoa Production in Ghana Since 1948

We are sharing here comprehensive data on cocoa production in Ghana dating back to the 1947/48 crop season.

Beyond capturing the annual national production output figures, this data also presents a rare insight into the regional breakdown of the total.

The country joined the league of cocoa-producing nations in 1879 through the heroic efforts of Tetteh Quarshie, a blacksmith, who returned from Fernando Po with Amelonado cocoa pods and established a farm at Akwapim Mampong.

In the 2010/11 crop season, Ghana hit for the very first time the 1 million metric tonnes production output mark and quite recently repeated after a decade’s slump.

We hope you find your experience on Cocoa Post useful as you take a deep dive into this pool of historical data on cocoa production in the world’s second-largest cocoa bean producer.

Source: Ghana Cocoa Board

Kojo Hayford
Source Cocoa Post
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