Cocoa Post
Voice of Cocoa

Chiffon Cocoa Cake: How To Make It Very Fluffy And Delicious

Chiffon Cocoa Cake: How To Make It Very Fluffy And Delicious

Chiffon Cocoa Cake making for the weekend you sure will agree isn’t a bad idea at all.


50 gr flour
10 gr cocoa
30 gr oil
3 medium eggs
45 gr sugar
1 pinch of salt
60 grams of milk
1 sachet of vanilla sugar (or vanilla essence)

Below are some simple step or directions to follow:
First, divide the egg yolks and egg whites. Mix milk and oil separately and bring to the heat, mix flour, cocoa and add the two compounds.
Add the egg yolks and keep stirring. Whisk the egg whites with the sugar and vanilla sugar.
Combine everything and pour into a 15x8cm mold.
Bake at 300°F (150 °) for 13 minutes then take out the cake and cut into the surface, in the oven for 35/40 minutes.

Source Cookist
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